Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Potential stories

This week:

Justin - will get snowman contest pics & interviews (written notes)

Maggie - will spearhead coverage of artist opening this thurs – Chelsea & Brett may also take pics.

Story ideas/Next steps:

Business Competition - Jared Grimes: Forest has questions, will follow up with Jared. Chris will talk to Richard.

Jared Stanley - poetry & new genres project. Maggie will talk to Jared and see if he'd like to be interviewed. We have questions for him.

Profile of athlete - Tea Palic. Erik has questions. See if we'll have photos and/or video.

Travel Course - Chelsea will approach Mary about interview. Has questions for her.

Brett – TNT. Has questions prepared. Will video thursday night.

ODAL: Katelyn - should talk to Rosie Hackett. Class meets at the same time as ours, which is convenient.

Science: Spectrum analysis of trees - Chris will talk to Chuck.

Friday, January 18, 2013

SNC Multimedia Marketing: Spring 2013 Kickoff

Hi everyone – my apologies for missing our first class, I have to be out of town for a memorial service. I've spoken to most of you personally about what we'll be doing in this class, but as a quick recap – we'll be working together to create short video and multimedia pieces about interesting things going on at SNC, which can be plugged into the SNC website as promotional materials. The topics might include student profiles, visiting artists and lecturers, interesting student research, and campus events.

I'd like you to do two things before our next class, on Monday 1/28.

NUMBER 1: Review all the embedded video and the links on this blog post. These are all examples of previous multimedia pieces that fit with what we're going to do this semester.

NUMBER 2: Come to class with at least one idea of an SNC story you think might be good to make a multimedia piece about. I want to capture things outside of the Art Department - we should have at least one piece that showcases something in the Science, Humanities, and Business Departments. We may not execute all the ideas you bring to class, but I want us to start pooling ideas. So come up with a pitch – and be as specific about it as you can, singling out who should be interviewed for it, when the event is happening (if there's a specific date), and so on. It could be a recent event that's already happened, but which might have media attached to it (photos or videos of the event) – examples might include the Trashion show, or the work one of Chuck's students did to apply spectral analysis of satellite photos to identify specific types of trees around the Tahoe basin.

So here are some links for you to look at:

Visiting Artist/Writer Tim O'Brien at Sierra Nevada College (this one is much longer than our target length will be – I think the ideal length for our multimedia pieces will be somewhere between 3-5 minutes):

Visiting Artist Katie Lewis:

Savannah Hoover's "Project Overlook" Burning Man audio slideshow:

Student Profile – Brett Wulc:

Some successful blog posts on the SNC/FA blog:


Student Profile: Kasey Hartsock

And a download for the class syllabus is here:

Lastly, take a look at the online outreach we've been doing for the Art Department online:

SNC/FA website (watch the two embedded videos on this page):

SNC/FA blog:

SNC/FA facebook: