Friday, January 13, 2012


Welcome to the blog for the "SNC Fine Art Marketing" class.

You can download my initial marketing proposal here:

And a download for the class syllabus is here:

Your first assignment is to find a website of a comparable college, and look at their art department section. Once you've selected a college website, please post the name of the college in the "comments" section of this post – and make sure no one else has already chosen that particular college. Next class, you'll present on the art department section of that website – so we can get a sense of who the competition is, and how they present themselves. I want you to answer the following questions in your presentation (you should also have the answers in a hard-copy printout – not as a fully written essay/paper, but as a bulleted list):

1. What information about the art department is available on its site? What information seems helpful? What information seems unnecessary?

2. What is the central message of the art department, and how is that message communicated? Do you feel it's communicated well or poorly? And why?

3. What do you think of the design of the site? How is the site using imagery, multimedia, font, and palette? Do you think it is effectively designed? Why or why not?

4. What elements would be most useful for us to imitate/build upon for the SNC Art Department website?

Here are links to what we currently have online:

SNC/FA website:

SNC/FA blog:

SNC/FA page through the SNC main site:

SNC/FA facebook: